
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!



The class teacher in year 6 is Ms Fallon.

They will be supported by Mrs Dore.


Year 6 is a time of preparation in many different ways and we hope that there will be as little disruption as possible so that we can get on and enjoy the whole year, in school, together!


This year, we prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation which is a very special time for us because we work together to gather a deeper understanding of our faith. As part of this preparation, we will visit St. Chad's Cathedral, the Mother Church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, to tour parts of the Cathedral rarely seen by the public and, importantly, attend a special mass. This is the time in our lives when we reaffirm the promises made for us during our Baptism. During our preparation, we consider, discuss and find out what it really means to be a follower of Christ in our world today.

Throughout the year, we also prepare for the move to Secondary school. We know the importance of learning to be more about being independent and organised. To prepare for this move, all members of Year 6 have jobs and responsibilities around school such as House Captains, Eco Team or School Council. We also have prayer friends in Year 2 whom we share lunchtimes with every Monday and Friday. 

All children know we have to set an excellent example to the younger pupils through our fantastic work and impeccable behaviour.

Our PE day is Monday and Breakout is every Thursday so children should come to school on these days in their outdoor learning uniforms.
