
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.


Our RHE curriculum - how it links to Statutory Guidance



At St James', our PSHE and RSHE will be referred to as Personal and Relationship Education (PRE), incorporating both our PSHE and statutory RSHE curriculum.


Working together with trust, respect and love to provide the highest quality of Catholic education to our communities


For centuries, the Catholic Church has made the provision of pastoral care and education central to its mission to evangelise and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.


In today's digital age, and the dangers associated with it, the provision of high quality Catholic SHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education) curriculum is an essential part of our response to keep children safe. Parents are, and will always remain, the primary natural educators of their children.


Catholic schools support parents in the exercise of their responsibilities in this role and they are increasingly at the forefront of dealing with the challenges which many young people face.'

Right Reverend Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds, Chairman of the Catholic Education Service


In this policy, we as Leaders and teachers, in partnership with pupils and their parents, set out our intentions, rationale and approach to relationships and sex education (RSE) in our schools.

Implementation and Review of Policy


Implementation of the policy will take place after consultation in the Summer term 2021. This policy will be reviewed every 2 years by the Board of Directors, School Standards Committees, CSEL and Principals.

The next review date is Summer 2023



A copy of this document will be available to all parents on the website. Details of the content of the PRE curriculum will also be published on each school's web site.


Defining Personal and Relationship Education:

The DfE guidance states that "children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way"

A PRE programme is aboul she development of the pupil's knowledge and understanding of themselves as a sexual being, about what it means to be fully human, called to live in right relationships with self and others and being enabled to make moral decisions in conscience.

In primary schools the focus should be on "teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults." This includes the topics of families and the people of who care for us, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe.



Statutory Curriculum Requirements:

We are legally required to teach those aspects of RSE which are statutory parts of National Curriculum




"I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.' (Jn. 10.10)


We are involved in relationships and sex education precisely because of our Christian beliefs about God and about the human person. The belief in the unique dignity of the human person made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education in a Catholic school. Our approach to PRE therefore is rooted in the Catholic Church's teaching of the human person and presented in a positive framework of Christian ideals.


At the heart of the Christian life is the Trinity; Father, Son and Spirit in communion, united in loving relationship and embracing all people and all creation. As a consequence of the Christian belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God, gender and sexuality are seen as God's gift. We reflect God's beauty and share in divine creativity. RSE, therefore, will be placed firmly within the context of relationship as it is there that sexuality grows and develops.


Following the guidance of the Bishops of England and Wales and as advocated by the DE, our PRE will be firmly embedded in the PSHE framework as it is concerned with nurturing human wholeness and integral to the physical, spiritual, emotional, moral, social and intellectual development of pupils. It is centred on Christ's vision of being human as good news and will be positive and prudent, showing the potential for development, while enabling the dangers and risks involved to be understood and appreciated. All PRE will be in accordance with the Church's moral teaching. It will emphasise the central importance of marriage and the family whilst acknowledging that all pupils have a fundamental right to have their life respected whatever household they come from. It will also prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.



Values and Virtues:

The chosen Gospel values of St James' are love, peace, justice and joy to others. Our PRE programme enshrines Catholic values relating to the importance of stable relationships, marriage and family life. It also promotes those virtues which are essential in responding to God's call to love others with a proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body. Other virtues will be explicitly explored and promoted: faithfulness, fruitfulness, chastity, integrity, prudence, mercy and compassion.



  • Foster an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church about how to live a full life, a life of virtue, and the place of human sexuality in living a full life, marriage and parenthood.
  • Foster an atmosphere in our school which celebrates the work of the Trinity through the life of the school and its relationship with the Church.


We will develop the following attitudes and virtues:

  • Appreciation that their life has a purpose.
  • An attitude of awe and wonder for the gift and beauty of self, respect for each ather as children of God and rejoicing in the goodness of God's creation.
  • Respect for the dignity of every human being - their own person and in the person of others.
  • Joy in the goodness of the created world.
  • Responsibility for their own actions and a recognition of the impact of these on others.
  • Recognising and valuing their own sexual identity and that of others.
  • Celebrating the gift of life-long, self-giving love.
  • Recognising the importance of marriage and family life.
  • Fidelity in relationships.


To develop the following personal and social skills:

• Making sound judgements and good choices wich have integrity, and which are respectful of the individual's commitments.

* Developing relationships with each other based on mutual respect and care and to understand this can be an expression of God's love.

  • Loving and being loved, forming friendships and loving, stable relationships free from exploitation, abuse and bullying.
  • Managing emotions within relationships, with confidence, sensitivity and dignity, even when they break down.
  • Managing conflict positively, recognising the value of difference.
  • Cultivating humility, mercy and compassion, learning to forgive and be forgiven.
  • Developing self-esteem and confidence, demonstrating self-respect and empathy for others.
  • - Assessing risks and managing behaviours to minimise the risk to health and personal integrity.


To know and understand:

  • The teachings of the Catholic Church about how to live a full life and a life of virtue.
  • The teaching of the Catholic church on marriage and the importance of marriage and family life.
  • The centrality and importance of virtue in guiding human living and loving.
  • The physical and psychological changes that accompany puberty.
  • The facts about human reproduction.


Inclusion and differentiated Learning

Our school practice provides opportunities which reflect the cultural diversity of our school community and locality.


We ensure PRE is sensitive to the different needs of individual pupils in respect to pupils' different abilities, levels of maturity and personal circumstances; for example, their own sexual orientation, faith or culture and is taught in a way that does not subject pupils to discrimination. Lessons will also help children to realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours (including cyber-bullying), use of prejudice-based language and how to respond and ask for help.

We create safe spaces for our children to confidentially discuss all PRE themes and to ensure they feel supported and valued in lessons.


The governing bodies have wider responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010 and will ensure that our school strives to do the best for all pupils, irrespective of disability, educational needs, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, pregnancy, maternity, sex, gender identity, religion or sexual orientation or whether they are looked-after children.


Programmes and Resources

The programme used to implement the PRE curriculum within our schools is Life to the Full produced by Ten: Ten Resources and is approved by the Diocese Education Service. These resources have been combined with other resources from Jigsaw and Twinkl to ensure the full curriculum is being covered.

Life to the Full is a fully resourced scheme of work in PRE which embraces and fulfils the statutory curriculum. Taught with a spiral approach to learning, pupils revisit the same topics at an age - appropriate stage through their school life, the programme teaches about;

  • Personal health
  • Physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Strong emotions
  • Private parts of the body
  • Personal relationships
  • Family structures
  • Trusted adults
  • Growing bodies
  • Puberty


  • Life cycles
  • The dangers of social media


The entire teaching is underpinned with a religious understanding that our deepest identify is as a child of God - chosen and loved by God.

Teaching strategies will include:

  • Establishing ground rules.
  • Vocabulary clarification.
  • Discussion and reflection.
  • Project and group learning.
  • Active role play, art and drama.
  • Experiential.
  • Films & video.


Monitoring and Review

Strategies will include:

  • Programme mapping and planning.
  • Resource selection and development. Quality assurance through learning walks and book looks.
  • Pupil and parent evaluations and feedback.


Parental engagement

We recognise that parents and carers are the primary educators of their children. As a Catholic school, we provide the principal means by which the Church assists parents and carers in educating their children. Therefore, we support parents and carers by providing access to material to be shared with their children at home and opportunities for parents/carers to find out what is being considered in school. Parents/carers will be informed about the more sensitive aspects of PRE to be covered in order that they can be prepared to talk and answer questions about their children's learning. Parents were consulted before this policy is ratified by the governors.


Parents continue to have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education except in those elements which are required by the National Curriculum science orders. Should parents wish to withdraw their children they are asked to notify the school by contacting the headteacher. The school will provide support by providing material for parents to help the children with their learning. We believe that the controlled environment of the classroom is the safest place for this curriculum to be followed. Please refer to the DfE guidance Page 17 for further details on the right to be excused from sex education (commonly referred to as the right to withdraw).


Balanced Curriculum

Whilst promoting Catholic values and virtues and teaching in accordance with Church teaching, we will ensure that pupils are offered a balanced programme by providing a PRE programme that offers a range of viewpoints on issues. We will ensure that pupils have access to the learning they need to stay safe, healthy and understand their rights as individuals.


Responsibility for Teaching the programme

Responsibility for the specific relationships and sex education programme rests with the Principal and the PRE Coordinator. However, all staff will be involved in developing the attitudes and values aspect of the PRE programme. They will be role models for pupils of good, healthy, wholesome relationships as between staff, other adults and pupils. They will also be contributing to the development of pupils' personality and social skills


At times, school will arrange support from outside agencies and health specialists to deliver aspects of PRE. Such visits will always complement the programme and never substitute or replace teacher led sessions. It is important that any external visitor is clear about their role and responsibility whilst they are in school delivering a session. Any visitor must adhere to this policy and our code of practice. They will ensure that all teaching is rooted in Catholic principles and practice.


Directors and School Standard Committee Representatives:

  • Draw up the PRE policy, in consultation with parents and teachers.
  • Ensure that the policy is available to parents.
  • Ensure that the policy is in accordance with other whole school policies, e.g., SEND, the ethos of the school and our Christian beliefs.
  • Ensure that parents know of their right to withdraw their children.
  • Establish a link governor to share in the monitoring and evaluation of the programme, including resources used.
  • Ensure that the policy provides proper and adequate coverage of relevant National Curriculum science topics and the setting of PRE within PSHE.



The Principal takes overall delegated responsibility for the implementation of this policy and for liaison with the. CSEL, Directors, SSC, parents, the DES and the Local Authority, as well as other appropriate agencies.


PRE CoOrdinator

The Co-ordinators, with the Principal and SLT, has a general responsibility for supporting other members of staff in the implementation of this policy and will provide a lead in the dissemination of the information relating to PRE and the provision of in-any training required.


All Staff

PRE is a whole school issue. All teachers and members of staff have a responsibility of care; as well as fostering academic progress they should actively contribute to the guardianship and guidance of the physical, moral and spiritual well-being of their pupils. Teachers will be expected to teach PRE in accordance with the Catholic Ethos of the school. Appropriate training will be made available for all staff. All staff have been included in the development of this policy and all staff should be aware of the policy and how it relates to them.


Relationship to other policies and curriculum subjects

This PRE policy is to be delivered as part of the PSHE framework. It irfcludes guidelines about pupil safety and is compatible with the school's other policy documents. Pupils with particular difficulties whether of a physical or intellectual nature will receive appropriately differentiated support in order to enable them to achieve mature knowledge, understanding and skills. Teaching methods will be adapted to meet the varying needs of this group of pupils. 



The governors want to promote a healthy, positive atmosphere in which PRE can take place. They want to ensure that pupils can ask questions freely, be confident that their questions will be answered, and be sure that they will be free from bullying or harassment from other children and young people.


Controversial or Sensitive issues

There will always be sensitive or controversial issues in the field of PRE. These may be a matter of maturity, of personal involvement or experience of children, of disagreement with the official teaching of the Church, of illegal activity or other doubtful, dubious or harmful activity. The governors believe that children are best educated, protected from harm and exploitation by discussing such issues openly within the context of the PRE programme. The use of ground rules, negotiated between teachers and pupils, will help to create a supportive climate for discussion.


Supporting children who are at risk.

Children will also need to feel safe and secure in the environment in which PRE takes place. Effective PRE will provide opportunities for discussion of what is and is not appropriate in relationships. Such discussion may well lead to disclosure of a safeguarding issue. Teachers will need to be aware of the needs of their pupils and not let any fears and worries go unnoticed. Where a teacher suspects that a child or young person is a victim of or is at risk of abuse they are required to follow the school's safeguarding policy and immediately inform the designated senior member of staff responsible.


Confidentiality and advice

All governors, all teachers, all support staff, all parents and all pupils must be made aware of this policy, particularly as it relates to issues of advice and confidentiality. All lessons, especially those in the PRE programme, will have the best interests of pupils at heart, enabling them to grow in knowledge and understanding of relationships, developing appropriate personal and social skills and becoming appreciative of the values and attitudes which underpin the Christian understanding of what it means to be fully human. Pupils will be encouraged to talk to their parents/carers about the issues which are discussed in the programme. 


Staff will be given support and training to ensure they feel confident and guided about how to manage pupil questions and disclosures. After careful collaborative discussion and planning, it has been agreed that certain aspects of this curriculum will be supplemented with other resources used across our schools.


Giving more importance to the adjective, rather than the noun, this is not good. We are all human beings and have dignity. It does not matter who you are or how you live your life, you do not lose your dignity.

Pope Francis



