
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Contact Details

St James' Catholic Primary School
Leach Heath Lane
West Midlands
B45 9BN


For all enquiries, kindly contact Mrs Kelly, the school office manager. She will be able to direct your request to the correct person - e.g. class teacher, chair of School Standards Committee. You can contact her on:


Telephone: 0121 464 9700



Please contact the school office for paper copies of any information on this website.

Principal: Mr M Ingram

Chair of the School Standards Committee: Mrs. L Southerton.

(Details of the Academy Committee may be found here.)

SEND co-ordinator: Dr. R Gould (Vice Principal)


Lumen Christi

Parking for visitors


Unfortunately, our school car park is very small and is restricted to staff only. Visitors may find the church car park a suitable place to park.  There are some spaces on the road outside the school, but please be considerate to our neighbours.

Access for disabled visitors/pushchairs


Please use the front entrance if you have concerns about mobility.

Enquiry Form
