
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Meet the School Standards Committee Representatives


The role of the School Standards Committee


St James' Catholic Primary School is part of the Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy which comprises of seven local Catholic schools in South West Birmingham and one in the East of Birmingham.


  • St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Columba's Catholic Primary School
  • St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
  • St James' Catholic Primary School
  • St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
  • St Paul's Catholic Primary School
  • St Peter's Catholic Primary School
  • St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
  • St Thomas More Primary School


The Lumen Christi Multi Academy is governed by a Board of Directors, who delegate certain responsibilities to each school through their School Standards Committees. The School Standards Committee’s primary role is to oversee the strategic management of the school on behalf of the Board of Directors. They check that the aims and objectives of the school are being delivered, discuss and approve proposals for various policies, check that the budgets and spending plans are all correct, highlight any areas of concern and offer advice and suggestions.



Ms Charlotte Martin (Chair)

Miss Ellen Dolan (Vice Chair)

Mrs Linda Southerton



07/07/2021 - 06/07/2025

03/05/2024 - 02/05/2028

06/11/2020 - 05/11/2024


Staff Director Representative:




Elected Parent:


Mrs Lisa Brennan






Mr Matthew Ingram


Elected Staff:



Dr Rachel Gould





Clerk to the School Standards Committee:

Mrs J Foster


Address of the School Standards Committee chair:
