
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

How will my child with SEN be taught?

How will my child with SEN be taught?


The table below gives examples of how children with SEN might be taught within the classroom environment. All children at St. James’ receive Wave 1; high quality first teaching. Many children will require additional interventions to help them catch up or give them a boost; wave 2. This does not mean they have a Special Educational Need.


Those children with a Special Educational Need will often but not always require wave 3 interventions.

Area of Need

Wave 1 – High quality first teaching received by all pupils. Universal provision.

Wave 2 – Additional interventions to enable children to make expected progress,

Wave 3 – Children placed on SEN register and require additional highly personalised interventions.

Cognition and


Differentiated curriculum planning,

activities, delivery and outcome

In-class TA support

In-class targeted teacher support

Increased visual aids / modelling etc

Visual timetables

Illustrated/ ACE dictionaries

Use of writing frames

Access to ICT

Team teach / modelling

Access to homework


Regular dyslexia-friendly school


Peer reading

Catch up programmes – Literacy and numeracy

Read On sessions

Y6 Booster lessons

Exam booster classes

In class support from TA

Reduced/ increasingly individualised


Guided reading within lessons

Integrated Learning Programme

Learning mentors

Targeted peer reading time

Small group or 1:1 literacy/

numeracy support e.g. use of

Reading / Writing / Mathematics

/ Learning Challenges, spelling

groups, use of programmes

such as Catch-Up, Rapid, Paired reading, cued Spelling, Precision teaching

Exam concessions

Individual timetables

Advice from EP / Specialist




and Interaction

Differentiated curriculum planning,

activities, delivery and outcome e.g.

simplified language, key words

Increased visual aids / modelling etc

Visual timetables

Use of symbols

Structured school and class routines

Environmental clues e.g. location



In class support with focus on

supporting speech and language

ICT – Clicker 

Small group or 1:1 support for


Social skills group

Speech and Language support /


Makaton support

Visual organiser

ICT – Writing with Symbols

Advice from EP / Specialist






Social and

Mental Health

Whole school behaviour policy

Whole school rules

Whole school reward and sanctions


Circle Time

Lunchtime club

PSHE focused work

Class mediation

Social and Emotional Aspects of


General advice from Family Support


Group Circle Time

Work-related learning

In class support for supporting

behaviour targets, access, safety

Access to family support worker

Zacchaeus club

Small group or 1:1 support for

social skills

Individual counselling

Individual support or mentoring

Individual reward system

Social skills training

Anger management

Nurture group

Advice from EP / Specialist


CAMHS input

Pastoral support plan


Targeted family support worker



Sensory and


Flexible teaching arrangements

Staff aware of implications of

physical impairment

Soundfield system

Deaf-friendly initiative

Writing slopes

Pencil grips

Brain gym

Improved accessibility of building

Moving and handling training

Additional group keyboard skills training

Additional group fine motor skills


In class support for supporting access,


Individual support in class

during appropriate subjects e.g.

Science, PE and lunch time

Physiotherapy programme

Occupational therapy


Use of appropriate resources

e.g. radio aids

Advice from EP / Specialist



