
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion

The children will prepare for their First Holy Communion as a whole class through our R.E. lessons and workshops. As they continue their spiritual journey through this year, we ask you to pray for them and their families.

First Holy Communion is taken by Baptised Catholic children in year 3. This sacrament celebrates the first time that they accept the bread and wine are the body and blood of Christ through the miracle of transubstantiation and that Jesus then becomes part of us. After this special occasion the child will then be able to accept the bread and wine each week at Mass.

After their First Holy Communion the children of Year 3 will lead a Going Forth Mass to share this special occasion with the whole school.

First Holy Communion this year will be on Saturday June 21st at 10am at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.

If you have any questions about Sacramental Preparation or if you wish to get your child baptised, please speak to us or Father Srinu.

Dress code

Girls should wear a white Holy Communion dress. 

Boys should wear a white shirt, grey trousers and a read sash and tie. The red sash and tie will be available to purchase in the weeks before First Holy Communion from the school office.  We will give more details to you in the weeks before First Holy Communion.
