
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator at Saint James' is the Vice Principal, Dr R Gould.

Mr Ingram (Principal) and Dr Gould (Vice Principal) are both SENDCO trained.

Dr Gould started on 1st September 2023; Mr Ingram was the SENDCO before becoming the principal.


If you have any concern about your child, please contact the office to arrange to speak to Dr Gould (Mr Ingram) or email

Children with special needs require additional support because, just like all children in school, they need help to learn, attend school and to be nurtured in all sorts of ways. The challenges that young people with SEN or disabilities face will directly affect their ability to learn from both their peers and the academic curriculum. These issues can include:

  • Reading and writing difficulties
  • Barriers to understanding number work and general information
  • Being unable to make friends and build relationships with adults
  • Struggling with behaving appropriately
  • Difficulties with expressing their feelings
  • Problems with understanding others
  • Being unable to organise their time and surroundings
  • Problems with sensory or physical needs


Research has found that children and young people with SEN can excel when the correct support and educational provisions are provided. SEN students can achieve their potential by completing FE/HE courses, finding paid employment, attending university, getting closer to achieving their lifelong goal, or living independently. The support that schools and colleges provide children with SEN right now, will have huge implications and results for every child's future.
