
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Refugee Week 2024


The children in UKS2 created some welcome signs to greet people from many countries in their own language. We think this will help everyone see that our school will give a loving welcome to all our visitors and friends.

Asylum Matters Assembly 10.06.24.

Just before Refugee Week, we were delighted to have a visit from Emma, who works for a charity called 'Asylum Matters'. She met the whole school in assembly to explain who she was and the work she did. Most of all, she helped her understand how unfair the lives of asylum seekers can be.


One of her main messages was the need to  'Lift the Ban'. She explained some anti-refugee laws which seem very unfair. The one we felt most strongly about was the ban on asylum seekers working to earn money, while they wait to hear if they can become refugees.



Year 3: Lift the Ban Postcards


After assembly, Emma went to work with Year 3. Because we have a General Election coming in July, they wrote messages to whoever the next Prime Minister was going to be, asking them to 'Lift the Ban'.

Below you can see some of the postcards, just before they were posted by Mr. Lloyd.

Stories of Hope & Home 19.06.24.

It was lovely to receive a visit from Steph, from the charity Stories of Hope and Home, again. Stories of Hope & Home is an amazing organisation which brings together people with experience of the UK asylum system so they can have spaces for their stories and experiences to be shared and  heard.


Steph also arranges for asylum seekers to come and visit schools like ours, so that we get to witness their experiences and fully understand the difficulties that asylum seekers face.  The children in Years Four and Five were priviledged to meet two ladies, one from Kenya and the other from Somalia. They shared their story with us and that inspired us to write poetry (Yr4) or write letters to our new Prime Minister (Yr5).


A group of children in Yr5 also shared some of what we learned in an assembly with the whole school.


Have a look at some of our work below! 

Year 5&6 Letters to the Prime Minister

Year 4 Poetry


Steph worked with Mr O' Donnell and Year 4 to create poems all about 'Home'. Click on the images to have a read!





Year 2: What Home Means To Me

Many asylum seekers do not have a safe place that they can really call 'Home'. Miss O'Nions asked Year 2 to think about  'What home means to me'. Click on the images for a closer look!

Yr1: Understanding Feelings


Mrs Love and Year 1 watched an animation called 'Home'.  We talked about the feelings people might have when they move to a new place, somewhere that is very different to 'home' and where people might speak a different language.

We thought of some ways we could make them feel welcome:

  • Give them a big smile!
  • Make a welcome card
  • Be a buddy
  • Draw a picture for them
  • Learn some words in each other's language
  • Get them to play with you and your friends

EYFS: #together


Mrs Footman and the children in EYFS learned that even though people can come from different countries all over the world, we are all part of one big family. They decorated their orange hearts to show we are all #together
