
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

How will my child’s views be taken into account?

How will my child’s views be taken into account?


We aim, where ever possible to involve all children in our school in the evaluations and implementation of their own education.   For children and young people with Special Educational Needs we use a variety of strategies to support this including:

  •  One page profiles – our young people have a huge input into what is included within their one page profiles. We have found them to be an excellent tool especially for those children who have worries but find it difficult to verbally communicate them.
  • Child or young person’s action plan review meetings
  • Involve child or young person in setting their own outcome based targets
  • Self-assessment at the beginning and end of learning
  • Having a range of equipment available for the child or young person to choose to use
  • Ensuring the child or young person works with a range of different partners
  • Ensuring the child or young person has a designated adult to go to if they need help
  • Membership of the school council