Stories of Hope & Home 19.06.24.
It was lovely to receive a visit from Steph, from the charity Stories of Hope and Home, again. Stories of Hope & Home is an amazing organisation which brings together people with experience of the UK asylum system so they can have spaces for their stories and experiences to be shared and heard.
Steph also arranges for asylum seekers to come and visit schools like ours, so that we get to witness their experiences and fully understand the difficulties that asylum seekers face. The children in Years Four and Five were priviledged to meet two ladies, one from Kenya and the other from Somalia. They shared their story with us and that inspired us to write poetry (Yr4) or write letters to our new Prime Minister (Yr5).
Follow-up Assembly
A big thank you to a group of Liturgy leaders in Year 5: Sascha, Millie, Jayshawn, Harvey and Callum. These children prepared a wonderful assembly so they could share everything they had learnt from Steph, Virginia and Samira, when they visited during Refugee Week.
The children decided to share the picture used by SoH&H for the whole school to see as they gathered for assembly.
They also chose the word 'Hope' as a key theme throughout.
At the end of the Litrugy, everyone was asked to think of how they could help asylum seekers and to share these ideas at home.