Wednesday 25th September 2024
Visit to see the Monstrance.
Our Lady’s, St James’s School and St Columba School joined together to mark ADOREMUS at Our Lady’s Church on Wednesday 25th September 2024 to experience a period of Eucharistic Exposition to coincide with the Adoremus Eucharistic Congress. The purpose was to unite all the faithful around the Eucharist with renewed and deepened devotion in anticipation of the Jubilee Year 2025.
All the pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 visited Church and spent time in silent prayer. In the classrooms, beforehand, we looked at a PowerPoint on what a Monstrance holds and the symbolism of it. This was expressed in their RE books.
Red for Jesus' blood,
Monstrance holding the Eucharist
Candles - Jesus is the light of the world.