
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Mini Vinnie Fundraising

As the weather heads towards Winter we turn our thoughts to those not fortunate to be sleeping in a bed tonight.On Thursday 17th October, the children will have the chance to wear their own clothes, so long as they have an element of their House's colour. There is no need to go out and buy clothes especially for the occasion; a splash of the House colour is all they will need.

On Thursday, 25th October, the children will be holding their own cake sale. More details of this will no doubt be sent to you very soon.

Latest update 30th November.  The children have raised enough funds to purchase 22 Vinnie packs.  There are still two house fund raising events to go hopefully we will hit our target of 40 packs.
Together with the local SVP, each House will take turns to raise funds through different activities. the activities are being organised and publicised by each House, beginning with a football competition this Friday,
