
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Vocations week

In March 2019 we enjoyed meeting many people who shared their vocation with us.  There were many different vocations from people who have been called to serve God in many different ways.  Year 6 were very lucky to receive a visit from Deacon Owen who explained that all of us, even now, have a vocation.  It isn't something that happens in the future, but something that is taking place right at this very minute.  As a class who have just made their confirmation, Year 6 realised that this was a response to God's call to be Holy.


Many people who came in witnessed their faith through their vocation.  From nurses to social workers, from priests to probation officers, we met people who believe that their actions as a job allow them to bear witness to their faith.
