
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

Year 4



Autumn 1 

I was a Rat 

Phillip Pullman 


The King Who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth

Autumn 2 

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Raúf


The Enchanted Horse by Magdalen Nabb

Spring 1 


by Linda Newberry 

Spring 2  

One Plastic Bag 

Miranda Heart 

Summer 1 

Fly Eagle Fly 

By Christopher Gregorowski 


Michael Rosen’s Big Book of Bad Things (A study of Michael Rosen)

Summer 2 

 Tales of Wisdom and Wonder 

by Hugh Lupton 


A Climate in Chaos by Neal Layton

Literary Form  



Picture Book



Inspired by Edward Thomas’ poem 1915 



True Story 

African Tale 


Poet Study

Stories from around the world 

5 Plagues of the developing reader: 

Characteristics of text complexity 

A play on a traditional fairy tale - Archaic 

Complexity of plot 


 Complexity of narrator

Link to folklore and legend therefore Archaic link 

Edward’s Thomas poem Lob written in 1915 – archaic 







Link to Main 

NC Area of Learning 

PSHE – Respecting others, Stranger Danger 

Celebrating Differences, Being Me 

History – changes in lifestyle/education 


Geography - describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water.

History - a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history

Art - Syrian artist Abdalla Omari

PSHE – grief and bereavement 


Geography – London studied last term.  Recall 


Art – link to last term’s pencil sketching 

 PSHE - respect for the environment and each other 

Eco work 


Geography – Africa to be studied this term 

Geography – locating location of story setting, physical and human features 

Music – listen to music from the story’s setting 

PSED & Human Themes 

Love, friendship, loyalty, tolerance 

Challenges of refugee experiences


Fundamental human rights and freedoms for all

Bereavement and Grief  

Human rights 

Environmental – gardening, food growth etc. 

 Environmental issues 


Aim to achieve our best 

Recognising our gifts 

Different cultures and traditions 


Experience, Knowledge, Skills and Strategies 

Reading aloud and re-reading  

Responding to illustration  

Discussion and debate

 Book talk  

Drama and role-play  

Drawing and annotating  

Role on the wall 


Questioning and Predicting 




Increase familiarity with a range of books


Identify themes and conventions and compare these across books they have read


Discuss words and phrases that capture readers’ interest and imagination and consider how this impacts on the reader


Draw inferences about characters’ feelings, thoughts, motives, and actions, justifying inferences with evidence from the text


Ask questions to improve their understanding identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning


Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.

Reading and discussion 

Identifying themes 

 Making comparisons 

performing poetry to an audience 

Using questions to improve understanding 


Justifying inference with evidence 


Discuss and evaluate use of language - including figurative language, 

consider impact on reader 

challenge views 

 Reading (Comprehension):  

Maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read by: 

reading books that are structured in different ways and reading for a range of purposes 

identifying and discussing themes and conventions in and across a wide range of writing  

making comparisons within and across books 

Reading: (Word reading / Comprehension)  

 Develop positive attitudes and understanding of reading by:  

Listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction  

Increase familiarity with a range of books  

Identify themes  

Discuss words and phrases that capture readers’ interest and imagination 

Explaining the meaning of words in context  

Ask questions to improve understanding of the text 

Draw inferences and justify inferences with evidence  

 Identify how language contributes to meaning 

Develop their understanding and enjoyment of stories and non-fiction.  

Developing knowledge and skills in reading non-fiction about a wide range of subjects.  

Justify their views about what they have read with increasing independency 

Listen to and discuss a wide range of non-fiction and reference books or textbooks 

Retrieve and record information from non-fiction  

Use dictionaries to check the meaning of words 

National Curriculum  

Vocabulary, Grammar,  

Punctuation (and Spelling) 

  • Grammatical difference between plural and possessive ‘-s’; Standard English forms for verb inflections. 
  • Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases; fronted adverbials. 
  • Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme; appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition. 
  • Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech; apostrophes to mark plural possession; use of commas after fronted adverbials. 
  • Terminology: determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun, adverbial. 

Language Competency: through reading,  

talk and writing 

To engage children with a story with which they will empathise.  

To explore themes and issues, and develop and sustain ideas through discussion.  

To develop creative responses to the text through drama, storytelling and artwork.  To write in role in order to explore and develop empathy for characters.  

To write with confidence for real purposes and audiences. 

To develop an insight and appreciation of the challenges of refugee experiences.

To support the understanding of empathy and develop empathy skills.

To explore the concept of the entitlement of fundamental human rights and freedoms for all.

mixture of voices and visual imagery 

respond to illustrations 

explore themes and issues 

compose writing for a wide variety of purposes 

write in role in order to explore and develop 


Participate actively in collaborative 

Select and use appropriate registers for effective communication 

build their vocabulary 

use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas 


identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing 

selecting the appropriate form drawing on reading 


selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary 

describing settings, characters and atmosphere 

using further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader 

assess own effectiveness and edit 

proof read 

To explore themes and issues, and develop and sustain ideas through discussion 

To develop creative responses to the text  

To write with confidence for real purposes and audiences  

 To enjoy a story and discuss its meanings. 

To understand the themes of a text. 

To broaden understanding of writers' use of language and build a varied vocabulary. 

To write narratives from a character's perspective. 

Use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary  

Listen and respond appropriately to adults and peers  

Articulate and justify answers and opinions 

Maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, responding to comments  

Use spoken language to develop understanding through exploring ideas  

Participate in discussions, role-play and improvisations 


To explore tales from different countries through storytelling  

To examine and discuss the events and characters through reading, writing, drawing and drama  

To discuss the morals and lessons that the tales teach us, through talk activities and debate 

Articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions;  

Use spoken language to develop understanding through imagining and exploring ideas in role play drama;  

Select and use appropriate registers for effective communication 

Extended Writing Outcome  

Writing in role   

Diary writing  

Newspaper writing  

Persuasive writing  

Letter writing 


Scripted News Report


Poster Picture Book and Non-fiction book  Discussion Notes  Free Verse Poetry  Persuasive Poster  Pamphlet

Free Verse Poetry  



Writing in Role 

Free Writing Opportunity  

Letter Writing  

News Report Script  

Poetry: Odes or Elegies 

Narrative: Character Description Persuasive and Explanatory Presentation  

Persuasive Speech  

Extended Narrative and Book Making 






TED talk script  


Instruction Manual 


Thought bubbles  

Letter in role  

Narrative from a character's perspective 




Story maps  

Fact files   


Writing in role  

Narrative descriptions  

Book making  

Diary entry 



Reading for Pleasure text 

I was a Rat  

Phillip Pullman books 

Roman Myths -archaic 

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams – Non-Linear  

Legends – Fynn MacCool for e.g. see Civitas 

Woof by Alan Ahlberg – Complexity of narrator 
