
St James Catholic

Primary School

In the loving peace, justice and joy of Jesus, we achieve.

The Liturgical Year

September - The Season of Creation


The Season of Creation runs from 1 September (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to 4 October (the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) each year.


This season is dedicated to prayer and action for the protection of creation. It is a time to renew our relationships with God our Creator, and with all creation, as we join together in prayer.  It is a time where we look towards our Eco Team to support us.


We give thanks for all that God has created by planning our harvest festival for later in the year.



October - The Month of The Holy Rosary


In October, our attention turns to the holy rosary. 



Each year group from year 2 to year 5 have their own mystery to focus upon. 


Year 2 focus on the joyful mysteries

Year 3 focus on the luminous mysteries

Year 4 focus on the sorrowful mysteries

Year 5 focus on the glorious mysteries

Year 6 contemplate all of the mysteries.


We gather together to pray across the whole world, asking Mary our mother to intercede for us.


November - The Month of All Souls


